Thursday, September 6, 2018

Spleen (Limpa ) Anatomy

The spleen is a fist-sized organ of the lymphatic system that operates as filter for blood. It helps ward off infections and maintains body-fluid balance.
In addition to filtering blood through pulp-like tissue, the spleen also houses two very important types of immunity-related white blood cells: lymphocytes and phagocytes.
Some of the spleen’s other functions include:
·        Cleaning impurities from the blood
·        Destruction and removal of old red blood cells
·        Storing blood in case of emergency, such as trauma
Because the spleen is soft, it can be injured in an accident, but this is rarely life threatening. If the damage is severe enough, the spleen may need to be surgically removed through a procedure called splenectomy.
Humans can live without a spleen because other organs — such as the liver — can take over the spleen’s function. However, people who have had their spleens removed are at greater risk of contracting serious infections. 

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